the following is a public service announcement from rebecca marie - read this ridiculousness for what it is meant to be. i do not actually believe that tom petty is an alien, nor do i believe that gillette is trying to murder us all.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

if i wanna say that something suckie is "gay," i'm gonna go ahead and say "gay." saying that something suckie is "gay," is in no way derogatory toward homosexuals in the same way that being homosexual is nothing derogatory toward happiness.


Blogger rebecca marie said...

ha ha ha ha ha. femme fantastique... i LOVE that you stopped by only long enough to think that i'm ignorant and intolerant. you obviously know NOTHING about me to say that. i'm one of the most intellegent and TOLERANT people you'll ever meet. hee hee. just ask any of my incredibly diverse friends or family.

2:48 PM  
Blogger tabitha jane said...

the reasons i refrain from saying something is gay are as follows:
1. it hurts some of my friends feelings and i don't like hurting my friends
2. there are other words i can choose
3. someone passing by might misunderstand my intent and think i am ignorant and intolerant.

say what you want to say friend. i know you are intelligent and tolerant and i wont misread you. promise.

4:36 PM  
Blogger tabitha jane said...

i cuss . . . it violates all of those reasons that i just posted.

call me a hypocrite

4:36 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie said...

i have gay friends and lots of gay family. interestingly enough, they are the ones least offended by anyone using the word "gay" the way i was teasing about. generally, it's heterosexual people who get up in arms over it.

the only point i was making is that the word already doesn't mean what it was originally intended to mean, and let's all not get so danged uppity about someone using slang.

that's all i'm saying.

also, tabitha, you're no more of a hypocrite than any of us. we are all guilty of doing something or another that we claim to be opposed to. it's called being human type people.

one thing i see all the time is people getting all twitterpated when someone calls something "retarded," but then they go and say it themselves.

the "gay," thing just happened to be the word i chose to pick on.

4:49 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie said...

i just actually laughed out loud while cooking dinner and thinking about the absurdity of this. seriously people, if we say something is "lame," are we making fun of someone who can't walk?

it was just a silly thought. seriously.

5:39 PM  
Blogger car said...

how about fagtard is that a better word to use. Seems like we can't say anything about degenerates anymore without a law suit being initiated.

6:37 PM  
Blogger car said...

rebecca marie,
it is a sad world when the filthy hippies call the conservatives ignorant and intolerant then attempt to censor all conservatives in the blog world for having a different viewpoint. This is their idea of protecting civil liberties and the Bill of Rights for all people (as long as "all people" is their people. I'm sure that you, like me, has never discouraged a comment or discussion on your blog(unlike the filthy hippies that are forever telling me not to come back to their blog) What incredible stupidity and hypocrisy!

6:52 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie said...

car - now you are making me feel guilty for calling you naughty on my other blog. mostly, i just want you to play nice, kay?

7:17 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie said...

but yes, point very well taken...

7:17 PM  
Blogger tabitha jane said...

when we say something "blows" do we really mean that it BLOWS?

it's all figurative.

i had a friend who used to get offended if we were giving her directions and told her to "go straight" . . . why is the word straight suddenly off limits too?

it really is all very absurd. i'm glad we spend time talking about this while children are starving in africa.

9:01 AM  
Blogger theoneandonlyTalon said...

I know I haven't been following this issue for long, but I was a little intrigued by what has been going on here.

Being gay for most of my life has been hard for me, especially since I just came out to my friends and family.

Now I really don't know you that well femme, but rebecca marie here has been my aunt for many years and I have grown to love and cherish her for being in my life. I know that she has her quirks and I absolutely love her for it.

I just wanted to say how I would have to agree with rebecca on this subject. Being gay I find it hardly hurtful if someone says that something is me. I deal with it every day living with straght guys. The time in which it becomes hurtful is when you refer to a person and mean it in a judgemental way, then it's offencive. Otherwise, I say that something is gay all the time, not on purpose, of course, but still.

And saying that something suck is just the same way. Besides there is a big difference between calling a thing gay, homosexual or queer and calling a person those names.

These are just my thoughts... let me know what you think and feel free to ask me anything.


1:46 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

As a person with high lung capacity, I am greatly offended, femme "fantastique" by your derogatory use of the word "sucks".

Way to be ignorant and intolerant!

12:28 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Honestly, I never even think of sexual orientation when I hear someone say, "That's gay!!!" It's kinda like, I don't care if people call me oriental, asian or even chink, as long as their intentions are not to be rude to me. Life is too short to be that sensitive...

As for ignorance & intolerance... I had to laugh at loud at the idea of someone calling Rebecca Marie that ever, but especially based on a quick browsing of a 1-sentence post.

7:26 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie said...

okay, well i would never say chink, but i do remember how surprised i was when i found out that rugs and other decor are oriental and people are asian. it's all in the intent of the word, not in the definition. which is why ass is okay sometimes and not others, bitch, and i could go on and on and on, but then someone would accuse me of cursing...

8:09 AM  
Blogger James T Wood said...

I remember having this conversation several years ago (and over and over since then).

On of my favorite times was when my friend Chris said something was retarted and I looked him in the eye and said, "That's not cool, my brother's retarded." And he laughed and I looked him straight in the eye, dead serious. One of the other people there said, "No, he's serious. I've met his brother." Chris' face fell and he apologized profusely. Then I said, "Dude, it's not a big deal, don't be retarded."

12:20 PM  
Blogger Pet-tree said...

well obviously this 'femme' person IS GAY! (ok so will she think I'm saying she is a lesbian or that I think she's stupid?)
or maybe I am confusing her with the woman at church who's name is Gay? hmm...this is so retarded and gay and SO very funny!

7:12 PM  
Blogger Stewie said...

if we say something is "lame," are we making fun of someone who can't walk?

What a perfect analogy.

The saying "That is gay." is used by me on a daily basis and there is nothing wrong with it.

Hell, I've been known to tell my gay friends to stop acting gay.

And they laugh.

People need to stop being so damn sensitive.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Tanya Kristine said...

dude, i'm with you. it's just a word. i mean when someone says "that is so fat!" or "daaaamn...that was drunk!" i don't get insulted.

4:14 PM  
Blogger egan said...

It's just like the N word. I think we should let gay people use the word gay to mean suckie. That's just my two cents. I happen to agree with Femme and Tabitha on this one. Okay, over and out.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, doesn't gay actually mean happy? Sooo...didn't gay people steal that word?? How come they didn't just make up their own word to describe their sexuality so we wouldn't even have this debate to begin with?? I personally agree with Rebecca Marie...I say stuff is "gay" all the time. I don't mean it as a slap in the face to gays. Now...if I said..."Dude..that is SO homosexual". Ok...that might be taken wrong.

10:03 AM  

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