the following is a public service announcement from rebecca marie - read this ridiculousness for what it is meant to be. i do not actually believe that tom petty is an alien, nor do i believe that gillette is trying to murder us all.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

watching steve martin play the banjo only served to make him exponentially more attractive. thank you, global warming, for requiring a benefit.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

i always cringe a little when someone says, "you do the math." it's all i can do not to yell back, "I AM NOT GOING TO DO THE MATH. I BARELY PASSED MATH IN ANY FORM. YOU GO DO THE STINKING MATH."

Thursday, November 10, 2005

how do scientists know that every snowflake is different? no freaking way they checked them all. what are they going to try to make us believe next? that there is some magical thing called ribonucleic acid or even deoxyribonucleic acid and that it's all different or like, finger prints being unique? whatever.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

i just heard a radio ad for a lasik surgery dude who says that even though he is new to portland, we can trust him onaccountabecause he has over a half a million happy customers or something. that makes me trust him less. i'd way rather have my peepers surged on by someone with, say, a hundred happy customers. i bet after like two thousand surgeries or so, you stop paying such close attention and you start like, watching joni loves chachi and eating cheetoes while you operate.